3D Chao Viewer Mobile

This page is for the older Android version of the 3D Chao Viewer. This version is quite old and may or may not be updated in the future. It’s recommended to use the latest version which can be accessed and used from the website directly!

Link: Chao Island: 3D Chao Viewer

This is a program written by Justin113D which lets you select variables to create and view a Chao in full 3D! Be sure to use the hashtag #ChaoViewer when sharing on social media!

On your Android device, you need to allow downloads from unknown sources to download this file (and I recommend turning it back off afterwards!).

Link: 3D Chao Viewer APK (Android)

There is a version for PC and Mac located in the PC Tools section. Click here.

3D Chao Viewer Mobile

Coco the Mascot Chao