Who wants to go on a self-discovery journey with me

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Who wants to go on a self-discovery journey with me

Post by Yukki 2.0 »

Okay so the last Homestuck God Tier topic was mediocre at best. The test and results were pretty inaccurate. If you're willing to spend at least half an hour reading a bunch of tumblr posts to find out who and what you really are, you're in the right place, because I have come across the best source for finding your God Tier.

So let's begin.

In the previous topic about this matter, I took the test and was convinced that I was a Sylph of Life. But over time, as I picked up more trivial facts about Sylphs and learned more about what God Tiers exactly were, I sunk into confusion and looked into it myself. Turns out, I am nothing like a Sylph of Life!
Here's where I draw this from. Multiple sources agree that Sylphs are a passive healing class, as the individual heals life. This means that literally, they can be the best healers in the entire game, being able to heal life directly, or life within people, so to speak. Knowing me, I do not heal. I do not agree with this at all.

So I looked around a bit more, took some advice from irl friends, and one suggested that I was the Maid of Blood, and linked me this source.
Dahni Witch of Light wrote:Maid of Blood: One who Creates with Blood or Creates Blood

Maids start out relying on others for their Aspect or how to use it. They’re often treated like doormats, dismissed or pushed around by those they rely on. Their challenge is to learn to rely on themselves for their Aspect.

A Maid of Blood would start out relying on others for stability, dependence, and connection. They would definitely have someone or something they are attached too that they would stick to like glue and be very upset if they were separated from. Like some kind of parent, guardian or childhood soothing objects, like a teddy bear or blanket. They might rely on other people to help them fulfill their obligations or responsibilities or for commitment to fulfilling them. They might also not make a lot of connections at first, being more dependent on others to make friends with them, for the effort to be on other people.

Once a Maid of Blood starts getting into the swing of things though and rising up to their challenge they decide to create their own Blood and to rely on themselves for their own Blood. They choose who they want to be connected with and they go out and make those connections. They start making promises and fulfilling them on their own. They start being a lot more dependable rather than dependent. They start being compassionate and committed to things and connections that they want to maintain. They take on or even create more responsibilities for themselves by choosing to get involved in a lot more different things.

They strike me as people who wanted to grow up very quickly, and this could also tie in with Blood as the Body, wanted to grow up quicker and to be bigger stronger etc. They are determined and they are ready and stable enough to take whatever you have to throw at them. Maybe they even start seeking out something they want to be truly committed to, so an idea or project or life goal they want to work on, even a person they want to build up the courage to ask out or marry, something of that nature. They might also wish to be part of a group or organization, or create some kind of united group of people for some cause to stand up for.
I then proceeded to flip out, because it fit me almost to a T. I took that as my title, but I was a little salty because something within me stirred wrong with it. I didn't like the Blood aspect, but it fit me so well. So I believed I was such for months.

And then, I started using Dahni's tumblr posts for ideas for character personalities. When I was scavenging around on her tumblr for a good secret-like character, I came across something incredibly shocking.
Dahni Witch of Light wrote:Bard of Void: One who Invites Destruction of Void or one who Invites Destruction through Void

Bards have easy going, laid back and/or avoidant, cowardly personalities. They ghost their opposite Aspect until a dire crisis pushes them into their own. Their challenge is to not be ruled by the whims of their Aspect

A Bard of Void as the other destruction class would also ghost Light as they destroy Void. They would be perceptive, attentive, people and might like to hang around important or influential people. They would probably feel uncomfortable being ignored and would pop into conversations at random moments to say something or share their opinion on something, even if it was unneeded. They might try to pop into the spotlight now and again to remind people that “Hey, I’m still here! Check it out!” They might super focus on a hobby or interest important to them or they might have a cool skill or interest that they want to be recognized for. They might be natural curious or nosy about a lot of things. They can act like a kind of satellite, hovering around others that they think are more important or influential than them. They might hide things from people, but make it really obvious that it’s hidden because they’re actually trying to drum up interest in whatever is hidden.

They might be actually shy or coy in their behaviors, acting like they aren’t interested or noticing when they really are and want others to notice. They would try their hardest to be noticed and admired by the people they think are important. They might just straight up get in your face and personal space, but ultimately they want the other person to make the first move. Oh god, they’re the Kouhai in the Senpai/Kouhai relationship. A Bard of Void’s crisis would be something like suddenly giving up and believing their efforts are useless. They would believe themselves to be unimportant or ignored. They might leave somewhere or hide thinking they’re irrelevant anyway and if they weren’t noticed before why would they be noticed now? Or they might not go anywhere and simply fade into the background or become quieter and less attention seeking and try to avoid the people they used to satellite around.

They might even try to cut off all contact with those people and start being secretive or pretend not to care when those people are around them. They could be a person that really wanted a close relationship with someone else, either as their teacher, superior or mentor, or a platonic friendship, or they might simply have an unrequited love. They might have a passion or skill for something that they want to do or be recognized for. They are just now coming to terms with the fact that they won’t get what they want. They might even get a little depressed and think everything is meaningless. A Bard of Void rises to their challenge to not be controlled by the whims of Void by coming to terms with Void and understanding that some things might be meaningless or unattainable, but not everything is. They just need a healthy realism and balance in their daily lives. Just because one thing didn’t work out, doesn’t mean others won’t work out as well.
I lost my **** when I finished reading this. Not only because it suited me 110%, but it suited me a lot more than the Maid of Blood. I accepted it as my title without a problem, when the Maid gave me lingering doubt. God Tiers can sound really, really close, but you never know what could be better fitted for you. So I am a Bard of Void, screw the male-class exclusiveness. I am absolutely certain this is me.

So now I'm really curious as to who we all are now. The problem with quizzes is that a lot of the time, our choices are determined by our current mood, and the results can be direly inaccurate. But with thorough explanations from this wonderful tumblr user, I think the process will be all the more worth the slightly longer search.

So, to cut things simple, here are the twelve Aspects with links to a list of each Class' descriptions of that Aspect.

When I think of Breath, I think of the pure Disconnects between yourself and everything around you. It is the choice to be Apathetic and Indifferent with maintaining the Bonds that you have. It is any and all Detachments from anything that you willingly have. It is the Options and Liberties that you willingly make or have for yourself. It is your Freedom from the matters and concerns of anyone other than you. It is your Independence from people and their Independence of you. Breath is what Moves and Separates you. Those Flexible things that you pick up and put down on whims. It is the Airy world of the Immaterial and the Spirit of the Pnuema, those things that exist Intangibly that you can’t touch or hold. Breath fills your Spirit with the Air and Lifts you Up on Wings, Separating you from everything. It is this Flexibility of Movement that lets you go wherever and whenever you please, nothing able to hold you down in one place.
When I think of Blood, I think of everything that Connects you to someone else and holds you together. It is the Commitment and Compassion that it takes to maintain these Bonds that you chose. It is any and all Attachments that you willingly have. It is the Obligations and Promises that you willingly make and are beholden to. It is your Responsibilities to others that you take upon yourself to uphold. It is your Dependance on them and their Dependence of you in turn. Blood is what Stabilizes and Unites you. Those Inflexible things that you refuse to budge an inch on. It is the Earthy world of the Material and the Flesh of the Body, those things that exist Tangibly that you can touch and move and hold. Blood molds your Flesh from the Earth and Chains you to it with Metal, Uniting you down to everything. It is this Inflexibility of True Stability that keeps you in firmly on a one solid foundation, with nothing able to sway you from your commitments.
Space is one of the two cardinal Aspects of Homestuck. It is half of what creates a Universe. The other half is its opposite, Time. When I think of Space, I think of our ever-changing present, the here and now. It changes and varies with no rhyme or reason; seemingly mutating as random events, but it always evolves into precisely what it wants and needs to be. It is to impatiently embark into new and different things, to journey on without a destination, just following your intuition, to claim your final reward. That is Space. In other words, Space is where you boldly go where no one has gone before!
Time is one of the two cardinal Aspects of Homestuck. It is half of what creates a Universe. The other half is its opposite, Space. When I think of Time, I think of constantly repeating cycles of the past and future. It continues onward in a patient steady rhythm like a drumbeat or a metronome. I think of what you wait for, what you instinctively know is your destiny. It is the end, but it is ambiguous, its destruction, but it keeps happening. To wait for the end that may never happen, or endlessly repeat, because it is your unchangeable destiny, to eternally suffer that punishment. That it Time.
Mind is one of the 12 Aspects of Homestuck. Its Opposite is the Aspect Heart. When I think of Mind, I think of the Outer Mask that covers every person when they hide who they really are. Your Mind is the different Roles you play in different situations in order to Blend into the Crowd. It is the Reasonable Decision to be Logical about something, no matter what else happens. Mind is Rational, since it is driven by pure Thought. Mind is Impersonal, It’s Apathetic and it’s Indifferent in all things. It’s Hiding who you are, being totally Unbiased in order to Blend in. Mind may not always stand strongly behind all of its decisions, humming and hawwing and changing its Mind, but they are always able to justify their end decisions. Mind will always give equal weight to every possible choice or possibility, but will not give any special favor to any single outcome, whether ‘morally right or wrong’ or not.
Its Opposite is the Aspect Mind. When I think of Heart, I think of the Inner Soul that exists within every person that makes them who they are. Your Heart is what is “You”, what makes you Unique and Separate, standing out from the Crowd. It’s the Instinctual Impulse to feel Emotional about something, no matter what else happens. Heart is Irrational, since it’s driven by pure Feeling. Heart is Personal, It’s Empathetic and Passionate in all things. It’s Showing who You are, embracing your Biases and being Unique. Heart might not always have a justification for what it feels strongly about, but the strength of their Emotion means they are not easily wavered from their point of view. Heart will never give equal weight to every possible choice or possibility, because they give special favor to any single outcome they consider morally the ‘right’ thing to do. Heart has a strong sense of self and will always know itself. It has a strong moral compass to boot, never being lost or confused about what’s right or wrong.
Its Opposite is the Aspect Doom. When I think of Life, I think of the growth and potential of energy that happens when you are first born and grow as a child and the rebellious nature of children and teens, not accepting that you just can’t do some things and finding loopholes and ways out of responsibilities and obligations to just do what you wanna do. It is the desire to change, do something different. It’s the messy grey foggy area where things are not always clear about what’s happening or why, or where and when you should go next. It is the excitement and anticipation for the unknown that’s waiting out there for you. Life maybe doesn’t always see what it truly wants, but when it does, or it sees something it might really want, its gets there as fast as it can, no matter who or what is in the way. Things can Change and you do have that power and opportunity! The universe isn’t stagnant and neither are you! Nobody not even Life itself has everything figured out quite yet, so don’t stop trying when you mess up, you’re only on the beginning of your path!
Its Opposite is the Aspect Life. When I think of Doom, I think of the decay that happens when you age and grow older and the accepting of what you can no longer do or never could do. It is the slowing, decreasing, shrinking, sense of futility of the Elderly. It is the bitter repulsion, the cautious pessimism and the necessity of obligation that limits you and what you can do in the world around you. It is understanding what you can and cannot change. It’s the sharp Black and White boxes and lines that everything in the world gets sorted into. It is the sadness and apathy of acceptance contrasted with the frustration and anger of limits. Doom sees what it wants, and lets it go, gives it to others, or just lets it be destroyed altogether. Things will be lost or destroyed, people will die or forget and things will happen that cannot be changed, so don’t bother trying.
Its Opposite is the Aspect Rage. When I think of Hope, I think of Undying Faith and Belief that everything around you is perfect and is going to be okay, one way or another. Everything will turn out just fine, if not perfectly wonderful in the end. Hope is Unconditional Love and Trust, it is warm open accepting arms to anything or any person. It is the underlying thought that what is here is right and true. It is the thought that where there’s a will there’s a way! No matter how dark, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! It’s the truth! It must be! Hope is always perfectly agreeable and optimistic that nothing will go wrong, so their answer is always a big enthusiastic YES! But don’t think of Hope as just a calm and peaceful encouraging nudging force, Hope is also like the Angel that grabs you on the run, flying you forward at breakneck speed to your rewards and eternal happiness. It is the Drive, the Unstoppable Force of Will that pushes you forward against all odds.
Its Opposite is the Aspect Hope. When I think of Rage, I think of Undying Doubt and Skepticism that everything around is 'perfect’ or going to be okay, one way or another. Everything will actually turn out wrong, if not completely horrendous in the end. Rage is unconditional Hate and Fear, it is the cold shoulder, rejecting any thing or person. It is the underlying thought that what is here is wrong and false. It is the thought that there is no will and there is no way! No matter how deceivingly peaceful everything looks on the surface, its not real! It’s actually false, lies all of it! Rage is despairing and refusing that everything will be 'just fine’, so their answer is always an adamant NO! But don’t think of Rage as only a fierce angry thing lashing out at everyone, Rage is also like the Demon that creeps towards you from behind, paralyzing you and slowly binding you and dragging you away with no escape. It is the Cage, the Immovable Object that constantly surrounds you on all sides.

(side note: Rage may sound bad, but it is the only thing holding you back from Hope and their charging blind beliefs, which can be just as dangerous. It’s good to know when to hold back and say No instead of always saying Yes to everything. Rage can be just as much Constructive as Destructive.)
Its Opposite is the Aspect Void. When I think of Light, I think of the constant gathering of data and content, gained through your own perception and influence. It is also uncovering and revealing the meaning you get from that information. It is understanding the meaning and influence that people give to things like spirituality or superstition. It is the attention and clarity of mind needed to illuminate the world around you, to identify what is important and worth knowing to yourself. It is the calculating perception of probability, fortune and odds based on understanding the relevant information. Light is the brightness that exposes all things from every angle, nothing is hidden from it or escapes its attention. It is the intense scrutiny of yourself and everything around you that illuminates the desired path towards Enlightenment, or hyper awareness of everything.
Its Opposite is the Aspect Light. When I think of Void, I think of the infinite expanse of nothingness that reaches into forever and encapsulates all things. It is the indifference and ignorance that causes you to extinguish or cast aside what you don’t understand, keeping it a seemingly insignificant secret. It is the disregard of what was once significant and the concept of luck entirely, because luck and meaningful things don’t matter and are in fact meaningless and irrelevant. It is unknown, obscure and infinitely unaware. Void is the empty nonexistence that everything and nothing sinks into to become hidden and meaningless. It is calmly letting yourself and everything around you go, gently slipping into obscurity and nonexistence, completely unaware of anything, like falling asleep or into a coma.

If you're having trouble figuring out your Class, here are pretty short and sweet summaries of what they are and do. ('Or' can also mean both ways.)

One who Manipulates with their Aspect or Manipulates their Aspect
Witches are enthusiastic, confident and optimistic rebels. They break and change the physical and metaphysical “Rules” of their Aspect. Their life challenge is to use their rule breaking powers in a morally conscious way.

One who Invites Manipulation of their Aspect or one who Invites Manipulation through their Aspect
Heirs naturally gravitate towards their Aspect or unconsciously seek it out. They have huge amounts of Aspect related strength as well. Their life challenge is to not get stuck on one thing, to know when to move on and adapt.

One who Understands with their Aspect or Understands their Aspect
Mages will uniquely experience their Aspect, both good and bad. As a result, they gain a unique understanding of what their Aspect is or does. Their life challenge is to become open to new insight or different perspectives than their own.

One who Invites Understanding of their Aspect or one who Invites Understanding through their Aspect
Seers are shown knowledge of their Aspect through its symbolic manifestations, like visions, persons, or magical objects. Their life challenge is to be able to translate their insight and knowledge into action and decision.

One who Destroys with their Aspect or Destroys their Aspect
Princes ghost their opposite Aspects as they destroy theirs. They are violently stubborn pessimistic people that stop at nothing to reach their goals. Their life challenge is to not destroy themselves along their destructive path.

One who Invites Destruction of their Aspect or one who Invites Destruction through their Aspect
Bards have easy going, laid back, unpredictable, and/or avoidant, cowardly personalities. They ghost their opposite Aspect until a dire crisis pushes them into their own. Their life challenge is to not be ruled by the whims of their Aspect.

One who Creates with their Aspect or Creates their Aspect
Maids start out relying on others for their Aspect. They’re often treated like doormats, dismissed or pushed around by those they rely on. Their life challenge is to learn to rely on themselves for their Aspect.

One who Invites Creation of their Aspect or one who Invites Creation through their Aspect
Sylphs will calmly, analytically and happily give their opinion all about their Aspect. They meddle, healing or fixing any lack of it they notice. Their life challenge is act upon their opinions instead of waiting by the sidelines.

One who Steals with their Aspect or Steals their Aspect
Thieves have good intentions, and might be egocentric. They have natural confidence with their Aspect, but hide insecurities and hate being seen as weak. Their life challenge is to learn to let others have their Aspect as well.

One who Invites Theft of their Aspect or one who Invites Theft through their Aspect
Rogues have problems coping with their Aspect or their supposed lack of it. They think they can’t actually handle it, causing them to give it up too easily. Their life challenge is to come to terms with their Aspect and own it.

One who Exploits with their Aspect or Exploits their Aspect
Knights hide a fear of a perceived fundamental failure with their Aspect behind a shield of confidence and obsessive effort. Their life challenge is to learn to take it down a notch and to understand that they are skilled enough.

One who Invites Exploitation of their Aspect or one who Invites Exploitation through their Aspect
Pages start with a deficit in their Aspect that they confidently overcome through obvious overcompensation. Their life challenge is to keep at it, even if they fail and the journey is slow, for they become the strongest players.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

*Yes, I excluded the Master Classes, the Muse and Lord.

So yeah, I laid this all out for everyone to go digging through. Have fun and be sure to post what you are!
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Re: Who wants to go on a self-discovery journey with me

Post by wic. »

I was hoping this topic would be about using hallucinogens for spiritual experiences
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Re: Who wants to go on a self-discovery journey with me

Post by Dr. Roivas »

Wait you mean it isn't?
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