<Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by quartzlcc »

Quartz eyed the bit of metal in Melody's hand, every bit as silent as her. He was already nearly finished with his omelet. "Ready whenever," he replied. He was almost comically naked, lacking supplies or sustenance or anything of the sort. In the Hero Garden, he had learned to live off the land. Quartz was initially skeptical, but eventually, he found their simplistic way of living to be liberating.


Kaylessa arrived in the meal hall every bit as disheveled as she was a minute previously in Cue's room. As her eyes trained the room, it wasn't long before she found one of the more familiar faces -- Jack. She ran toward him and sat down, roughly slapping the cloaked chao on the shoulder as she did so.

"Really?" Jack said gruffly.
"Yes, really." She snapped back, grinning. "What's going on?"

The purple-tinged chao looked to Kaylessa, then to Dorian, back to Kaylessa -- already looking impatient -- and back to Dorian again.

"Well?" He queried the orange chao. "Shall we let her in on this?"
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by Zphal »

The murmurs among the rock folk continued; Dash had never been much of a public speaker, but he had momentum of the moment and who was he to stop his inspiring speech now? He tried to sound pompous and important like the pink chao, “Collect the belongings you need, split up and travel to these gardens. Live among them so they can sleep easily at night knowing you will be there to defend them from this villain Kinto Q.”

Ammy looked a little stunned momentarily, but she quickly disguised it and turned to her fellow powerchao to reinforce Dash’s words and regain her influence over the crowd, voicing her own approval of the suggestion. “Whatever hopes this Kinto Q had of over-taking Shimmering Island-- OUR island-- are no more. Rock Village shall prevail!”

Whoops and chest-thudding broke out. Soon the inhabitants had broken off to prepare as Dash and Ammy had instructed. The latter folded her arms and leaned back on one hip. “Huh. Gotta hand it to you, Speedy, you’ve got cajones.”

Back to his meeker self, the red chao cast her an askance glance, “My name’s Dash.”

She slapped him hard on the arm, chummily, “Whatever you say, Speedy.” She eyed the orange and lime green chao, “So, I take it you guys are a little closer to the action, yeah? I want a piece of it. My villagers are strong, but I’m their champion.” She grinned, sharp white teeth glistening in the early day.


Dorian’s mouth opened to answer, but he was interrupted by a jovial bellow to their right. “MY COMPATRIOTS!” Cue sounded out. He swaggered toward them with purpose, holding in one hand a plate piled high with bacon, sausage and fried eggs, and in the other a large tankard of… orange juice. He dropped both down on the table with a loud clatter and set himself down on the bench roughly as well, smiling ear-to-ear.

Dorian closed his eyes and let out a slow exhale; if anyone knew how to ruin a quiet and secretive moment, it was the bumbling idiot who’d just sat down. But every cog had its place. “Cue,” he spoke softly, hoping his example would encourage the chaos chao to do the same, “So nice of you to join us.” His eyes flit to Zack Jack THE PUMPKIN KING and back, as if to say ‘We may as well.’
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by quartzlcc »

"Sure," Spike spoke vaguely, still recovering from the shock that Dash had managed to turn the tables so quickly. He found himself admiring the red chao in spite of himself.

"Yeah," Peaches replied, facing Ammy. "Spike and Dash here are the champions of the village that burnt down," and she failed to suppress a snicker.

Then she just looked sad, remembering it was her garden too.


"Well," Jack began, licking his lips, "I've found -- shh... -- I've found the master's hit list, as it were."

Kaylessa had many questions -- was it easy to find this list? Why? Was this another one of Kinto Q's tests of loyalty? -- but she was never in on the plan of finding the list in the first place, and couldn't know much.

Instead, the only words that escaped her lips were, "Cool. When do we start?"
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by eblu »

((random ooc nonsense but i'm amazed you two have managed to keep this alive for so long even during this drought of activity. i mean this is practically the only active topic left in the RP board))
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by Zphal »

“Tough break,” Ammy expressed her sympathy, which was a facet of her personality hitherto unseen and thus difficult to really find wholly believable. She hit her fist into her palm again, “So then, it’s revenge you’re after.”

Dash nibbled the inside of his cheek; he wasn’t a vengeful chao, but what had transpired did urge him to action. “We don’t want it happening to anyone else. We just want to stop those responsible so no one else gets hurt or loses their home.” He looked to Peaches and Spike; they seemed to be in agreement.

Ammy nodded. She seemed very confident. “We’ll take ‘em down then. Got any ideas where they went?”


“No sooner than I’ve finished breakfast!” Cue announced, cramming two whole strips of bacon into his mouth at once and masticating enthusiastically.

Dorian merely shook his head gently as if to pretend he hadn’t witnessed the shiny white chao’s gluttony. “We can start today. Unless the Master has given any of you any instructions to follow?” He highly doubted it; most of the clan had been rather idle since their recruitment, which was precisely why they were looking to set themselves apart.


“Then let’s set off,” Melody said, closing her bag. The two of them exited her modest domicile and she adhered a sheet of paper to her door that read:

If you find yourself in need of any medicines or food,
take what you need from my garden, but be mindful of
those who may also need it more. Blessings, –Melody

She did not, after all, know how long she might be away.

Then she turned back to Quartz. They would travel on foot to the city.


The Great Library sat atop the highest peak on Shimmering Island in the Mystic Mountains. It was a huge stone edifice, erected long, long ago, back when Chaos, Protector of Chao, himself still lived. At least, it was said. Though that seemed a bit unbelievable. Few chao ventured there due to the altitude and fortitude it took to surmount, but for Kinto Q, with his remarkable stats, this posed little difficulty.

He came upon the double wooden doors, each twelve foot tall (quite an impressive height for small creatures such as chao), a burnt mahogany. The grandoisity appealed to the swim chao. Perhaps, once the island was his, he would make the Great Library his new lair and command from it, once the need for secretism and being underground was over. He took one of the old bronze knockers in his claw and struck the metallic ring against the base to summon those inside to grant him entry.

A few moments later the hinges groaned open. He proceeded in with a small flourish of his cloak. The door closed after him, and it took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the low lighting kept within the stone walls– no doubt a precaution to prevent unnecessary aging of the tomes and manuals inside. The air was dusty, but not wet, and candle flames danced in their holders on the walls. Three chao in maroon robes stood to his right. They seemed entirely unperturbed by his presence– not due to ignorance of current events. No doubt that information had spread. Truthfully, Kinto Q had nothing to fear from these devout scribes, as their concerns did not lie with present events or what the future had to hold, only documenting the past; they had no alignment toward good or evil, only dedication to what once was and preserving history.

“What do you wish to consult within the Great Library?” the middle one asked. His voice was crackly and dry. In fact, so was the rest of him. These were chao who had, by some knowledge, eluded standard reincarnation, and thus had grown far older than the five year cycle would typically allow. While most chao reincarnated shortly after passing their prime, these chao was grown stooped and withered, their skin somewhat like the top of a bowl of pudding that had been left in the back of the refrigerator for a couple of weeks. The one on the left seemed the “youngest”, and judging from his appearance, was likely somewhere between 15 and 20 years old.

“I wish to indulge in your library’s knowledge of lycanthropy,” Kinto Q responded.

The chao scribe on the right hummed. “This way,” he nodded his head almost imperceptibly. He turned and Kinto Q followed.
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by quartzlcc »

((thx fam))


"Although, a bit of vengeance couldn't hurt either," Peaches said, attempting to inject some humor into the rather grim discussion.

Spike snapped back to reality. "All we know is Dash bumped into one of Kinto Q's henchmen kidnapping some of the chao from the Normal Garden." He made little effort not to sound annoyed with the red chao.


While Kaylessa shook her head in response to Dorian, Jack laughed, though his expression was bitter. "Of course not. When have we ever had anything to do..."

Kaylessa smiled. "Yeah, let's start today. You two have the details worked out, yeah?"

Jack nodded, his eyes fixed on the orange chao sitting across from him.


"Blessings, eh?" Quartz spoke, eyeing the note Melody posted to the door of her abode. "A lot of these chao might need it."

"Anyway," he said, turning to face the city at large and beginning to walk. "It's been a while, but I should know the way to the Black Market."
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by Zphal »

Dash had completely forgotten the incident Spike had just mentioned. "Coconuts!" he cursed, snapping his fingers in rememberance. "You're right! That's the place to start." He was no good at tracking, but the lime green chao, despite his vibrant outer coloring, had ranger-like abilities. "Spike, do you think you could track here they went? It could lead us to them!" In his excitement, he was stating the obvious, but his little heart began pounding with a sense of hope that maybe just maybe, their little band of would-be heroes could rescue those who'd been snatched away from their precious garden.

Ammy's eyebrows lifted while she shrugged with a non-verbal 'I'm willing to try it.'

“Our target is in the eastern forest,” Dorian informed the newcomers. “And it would be optimal to arrive there before noon. I suggest you gather any necessary tools—“ the implication of weaponry was present in the word— “and we all meet outside the main gates in twenty minutes.” He glanced back and forth between Kaylessa and Cue to gauge their acknowledgement and agreement before rising from his seat himself. “Do try to be punctual.” And with that, he swiveled to return to his room so he could secure his rapier.

Cue pounded his right fist into his left hand. “This is gonna be fun. Don’t’cha think, ‘Lessa?” He grinned at the fly chao.
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by quartzlcc »

Spike looked to Peaches, almost as if looking for affirmation.

She shrugged. He shrugged back, then looking at Ammy and Dash.

"It's worth a shot," the lime green chao said. "I wouldn't put it past that spell-casting idiot to leave behind a trail of something."

Kaylessa was quite excited until Cue spoke directly to her. There was something about him. One moment his idiocy was amusing and infectious, and the next moment his presence was physically painful. She managed to muster up a small grin, regardless. "Yeah," was all she said.

It was going to be a long journey. "I need–ahh, something." Was all the amethyst chao said before getting up and walking off. Given she relied upon her physical prowess and ability to breath fire, she didn't really need anything.

Jack looked to Cue, grimaced, and walked off to his room as casually as possible. Unlike Kaylessa, he had a lot of equipment to gather together and needed to start making preparations for the journey as soon as possible.
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by Zphal »

Candice felt her throat constrict as she heard the words “Our target is in the Eastern Forest...” So some of Kinto Q’s troops were finally starting to mobilize to wreak havoc upon the island. The Eastern Forest... she shut her eyes as she tried to recall a map of Shimmering Island and what important landmarks were there that might be where the four henchmen were headed, but couldn’t think of anything. Still, she had to get the word out... somehow.

‘Mogo reached out his hand, grasping toward the plate of fruit out of his reach but Candice was deep in thought and didn’t seem to take notice of his protestations. Blowing a snot bubble in frustration, he took matters into his own hands, leaning out onto the table by getting onto his wobbly feet and pushing up onto his toes. He grasped at it wildly again, just managing to hit the curved edge; the plate flipped, sending fruit and cheese and crackers flying with a loud clatter.

“Oh no. ‘Mogo,” Candice shook her head embarrassedly, hurrying to begin cleaning up the food that had fallen to the floor, trying to ignore the eyes now glaring in her direction. However, little Demogorgon seemed pleased as punch now, grabbing the scattered pieces of fruit strewn about the tabletop and stuffing them in his mouth. He wasn’t bothering to chew just yet, instead greedily stuffing each morsel into each cheek as if in attempt to see just how many he could fit. “‘Mogo, you’re going to make yourself choke,” Candice shook her head, trying to urge him to spit them back out. This infant was entirely too much work to keep from harming itself. What he needed was something safe to stick in his mouth.

Candice blinked at him, an idea forming in her mind. This was her way out of the complex, and a way she could possibly find someone to tell before those four baddies did damage. “Enough breakfast,” she said to him with a coo so that the other Chao around her could hear, “Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by quartzlcc »

Spike looked to the rest, waiting for confirmation. "Well, this was the last village on our list, so now is as good of a time as any. Let's head back toward the Normal Garden and see what tracks I can find."


Melody lived in the suburbs, so it wasn't long before Quartz and Melody were in Station Square. Specifically, they went right toward the most trashy part of town. The broad daylight and cloudless sky was antithetical to the mood of the city, and the hero power chao guessed people were holed up in their apartments and workplaces out of fear given recent events. But it was as if the large alleyway before them that contained the black market and other legally-disputable odds and ends made a cloud of its own. A haze seemed to pervade the dimly-lit street such that when the two chao entered, they could not make out the sky above them.

It wasn't long before they were surrounded by junkies of all kinds, chao desperate and down on their luck. Quartz made sure to puff out his chest and look like he knew where he was going so there wouldn't be any problems –– he already noticed a couple of dark chao leering at his hero fly accomplice.


Zack huffed, pacing up and down the hallway containing the rooms for the more prominent chao at Kinto Q's base. He was done instructing the slaves for now, and was taking a break. As usual, the black and blue chao found little respite and serenity in his break. All he could do was consternate, wondering when the next was he'd be truly useful and hopefully, destructive.

Jack peered into the hallway, noticing Zack. There wasn't any good way to sneak into his room to get his equipment, so he resolved to be nonchalant instead of sneaky. He began walking quite plainly toward his room when the sinister-looking chao quickly noticed him. But Zack was determined to "play it cool" as well, as he wanted to be taken seriously. He appeared to barely take note of Jack, simply nodding in a "what's up" motion toward the two-tone purple chao. Jack returned the gesture and walked into his room, gathering his supplies over the course of a couple of minutes.

His crossbow was beautifully built, the perfect blend between portability and power. The bolts it fired never shot as quickly as heavier crossbows, but his targets rarely required such penetration. He had a scope affixed to the top regardless, and he made sure to gather a good mix of plain bolts and other, more specialized ones. Jack slung the crossbow and quiver over his back and made his way out of the room.

Zack noticed he was armed on his way out, but said nothing. It wasn't unusual for Jack to go outside to practice, but he sure was carrying a lot of bolts...
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by Zphal »

“Change? Spare some change?” a voice came from their right. A dark chao, notably missing his right arm, had a cardboard sign propped against the wall upon which was haphazardly scrawled in crayon “N33D $$$ 4 F00DZ”. Melody’s lower lip pouted out and she bent down to place a pear (which she’d brought along as a snack for herself) in his outstretched hand. “Bless you, bless you, you’re an angel…” he whispered and took a massive bite of it.

“Hey girlie, you givin’ handouts?” another voice rose from their left now. A grimey-skinned normal run appeared out of the shadows. “You give out anythin’ else too? Heh heh…” He scratched blantantly at his crotch-area, which definitely suggested he probably ought to spend less time in the alley and more time at the nearest health facility. “Yeah, yer a pretty one.”

Melody ignored him and simply proceeded deeper into the main alley with slightly more haste.

Then she saw the sign they had been looking for. She pointed, glancing at Quartz. “There it is. The Cauldron of Dark Delights!”


“Right on. And when we find ‘em, we’ll smash their faces in!” Ammy rolled her arm in her socket.

Violence might be necessary, Dash acknowledged, though he was hoping it wouldn’t come to that. Or at least, as little as possible. In his opinion, there had already been far too much. Ammy was more aggressive than he’d like, but she was different than the kind of chao they were dealing with; he could tell she wasn’t one to do lethal damage and that she fought out of pride, rather than maliciousness, and that made him glad for her addition to their group. The four chao set out for the road to the Normal Garden with Spike in the lead, eyes focused on the ground. Though he wasn’t like to spot anything the lime chao wouldn’t, Dash kept his eyes peeled too; this mission couldn’t afford any of his bumbling slip-ups.


"You do that, um-- uh--" Cue struggled for an appropriate term of endearment as the fly chao beat a hasty retreat from the chamber, "cutey-baby!" He scratched his head to the front of his right horn. "Huh... guess I better get ready too," he murmured. But all he needed was his fists and the armor he already was wearing. Well, then he had twenty minutes to burn. Cue stood from the table with his plate and thundered off to the kitchen for another heaping pile of seconds.
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by quartzlcc »

It took a huge amount of restraint for Quartz to avoid punching the normal run who made advances on Melody. He told himself over and over again that she could handle herself just fine –– which was completely true, in his mind –– but it was not his first thought.

He was glad when the girl chao began walking faster and stayed perfectly in-step with her. Spotting the sign along with her, he grimaced, paused for a quick moment, and made his way in.

"Severus!" The hero power called out. As much as he despised the thought of being polite to the low-life chao he was all too familiar with, he considered the possibility this encounter could be peaceable, and added, "I'd like some information, if you have the time."


[[OOC: It's about time for Adrian to meet derpsquad, I think.]]

At long last, Adrian "awoke" from his state of deep contemplation. The meditation had successfully purged the few remaining violent thoughts he had dancing chaotically about in his mind.

Opening his eyes, he quickly noted how much higher the sun was on the horizon. The grey chao frowned. It had been quite some time since he had needed so long to regain his thoughts. It made sense: what little he could remember from the encounter last night was more stressful than usual. Adrian could still hear the yells and cacophony from battle the night before. He wondered if he had hurt anyone. Any day now he could lose control entirely, and as if the guilt weren't enough, this could result in his presence being more well-known... At which point he would surely be hunted.

And if he were hunted, who would win? Adrian wasn't sure it was even possible to kill him. He hadn't tried, himself. He wasn't willing to give up just yet.

With those harrowing thoughts heavy on his mind, Adrian forced himself to get up and find some food. But it wasn't long before he heard other chao in the thick of the forest surrounding the Normal Garden.


Kaylessa felt her cheeks get hot. She wasn't sure if she was embarrassed by herself for allowing Cue to believe she might fancy him, or cringing at his words. Maybe both. Either way, she hastily made for her room and pretended not to hear what the buffoon had yelled in the middle of the meal hall.
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by Zphal »

Severus had been in the upstairs portion of the shop when he heard his name called loudly. “Coming!” He answered as he put the whiskey bottle back into its case of twelve and slid the crate lid back over them. With a swagger he began down the steps, holding onto the banister, “What can I procure for you fine— ah, f***.” His tone quickly changed when he saw who it was who had come into his shop. His shoulders instantly drooped, “It’s you guys.”

“Yeah, this is the spot, I’m sure of it,” Dash said, a little less certain than his words conveyed. Still, though he’d been in a hurry, he was pretty sure he recognized this crossroads and the surrounding foliage as where he’d bumbled into the baddies and their captives. Now he just had to hope Spike could make sense of the mess of tracks on the road.

Ammy put her hands on her hips, examining the treetops. She didn’t often stray far from her home in the Rock Village, and this was significantly lusher than she was accustomed to. “They were just sticking to the road?” She inquired. To her these bad guys didn’t seem particularly clever or sneaky if that was the case. She grabbed a large palm frond and ripped it from the base of the plant for no reason whatsoever but boredom. So far there wasn’t anything for her to punch, so... She ripped another off, then another. Her eyebrow lifted, having accidentally uncovered someone unexpected. “Wait, who the heck are you?”

Candice hurried back to her quarters as fast as she could without looking suspicious, the infant in her arms. She set him on her bed and grabbed a basket and some coins as was her “allowance” given to her by the Master. She shook her head. By Kinto Q. she reminded herself; she hated that due to her forced captivity, she was starting to identify him in that way. It wasn’t true allegiance, it never would be, but it was like a poison that slowly slipped into one’s consciousness the longer they had to live that way...

‘Mogo gave a monsterous giggle; Candice turned to see him slapping her pillow against the headboard. A rip had formed in the corner seam and now the pillow was billowing feathers, which were raining down upon his little head. “You just never sit still, do you?” Candice shook her head, pulling it out of his grasp and picking him back up. He fussed momentarily at the loss of his toy. “It’s okay,” she soothed, “We’ll get you something while you’re out. How’s that sound? But we’ve got to warn someone about what we heard first.” A question mark appeared over the infant’s head; he clearly didn’t understand, but he settled down nonetheless, cuddling against her chest.

“Alright, let’s hurry,” the hero swim said, picking up her basket. She headed for one of the side entrances, approaching the two posted guards there. “I need to go out for more balms and lotions for the Master,” she told them, “And some supplies for the baby.” She bounced him lightly on her hip, and almost on cue, he giggled adorably.
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by quartzlcc »

Quartz couldn't help but glance at Melody and chuckle. It's true, they had given Severus no end of trouble––Melody with her moralizing that surely cut into his potential profits, and Quartz with his verbal threats. Since he had taken to a more quiet life in the Hero Garden, however, the hero power chao found himself better able to control his anger and annoyance with the black chao––at least for the moment.

Looking around Severus' sizable shop would've been impressive if it weren't also infuriating. Drug paraphernalia in one corner, weapons in another. He couldn't understand why chao felt the need for such things. Even the weapons––it wasn't that long ago that chao were a totally peaceful race, if the history records were to be believed. For what felt like the thousandth time, Quartz inwardly wondered how chao got to the point they were at now. But no peaceful protest and no open forum would solve the threat of Kinto Q. Perhaps it was good that Severus had a large stockpile of weaponry. And, after all, the black chao did have a reputation to uphold as the owner of the biggest black market in the region. He couldn't afford to have malfunctioning items, so the quality of these miscellanea was likely superb.

"Relax, man. Melody found one of your bombs somewhere and we'd just like to know who bought it, that's all."


((OOC: Will edit later, with more to come...))
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by Zphal »

The normal-black chao rubbed underneath his nose as if it were itchy. "One of my bombs? That's not exactly specific, pinkpuff," he referred to the coloration of the two fronds on the other's head, but he looked Melody up and down, "I sell at least thirteen different unique brands of bombs."

Melody only glared back. There was no benefit to gentleness and politeness in this context. She took the casing from her basket and slammed it down on the counter between them, which actually had the effect of making Severus jump. "This one. Your 'unique brands' are responsible for the destruction of the Normal Garden."

Severus' face twinged momentarily at her unlikely aggression. He ignored the claim, though now he knew exactly who had made the purchase that the two goody-two-shoes were after. He scratched his chin in faux-thoughtfulness as he examined the bomb casing. "Hm... y'know, I honestly haven't moved stock of this particular model for at least six months," he said, though that word 'honestly' didn't escape his lips in the most convincing of ways.
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by quartzlcc »

Quartz blinked once, hard. He was surprised to see Melody go straight for a more aggressive approach. He had underestimated how much this attack on the Normal Garden had rattled her. Of course, the hero power chao was better at intimidation than persuasion, so he could work with it.

"Look, Severus, we can make this easy or we can make it hard," Quartz said, exasperated. "I know your brain isn't that addled by drugs, so just tell us who."

He stepped forward––a subtle threat to the black chao.

Suddenly spotted, Adrian initially said nothing. The pink chao didn't look like the type to attack him on sight, but neither did she look friendly. He grimaced as the other chao closed in and got a better look at him.

"Err, I'm a hermit," was all Adrian said. Which wasn't untrue.

"He could be spying on us," Spike said, quick to run around and grab Adrian's two arms and keep them firmly behind his back. The grey chao made no effort to resist capture.

That was... a little too easy, Spike thought.
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by Zphal »

“This puny guy? A spy?” Ammy chuckled as she gave him a light prod on the chest, amused at the thought.

“A hermit?” Dash asked, scratching his head. “You don’t belong to any of the gardens or villages?” Chao were incredibly communal creatures, by nature they lived in groups; it was mostly unheard of for them to lead solitary lives, though he’d heard of select few choosing to pack their belongings, saying goodbye to their loved ones, and heading to a faraway forest. He wondered if this was the case for the chao they’d just found, and if so, why.

“Some things are better hard, am I right?” Severus waggled his eyebrows Melody’s way, who rolled her eyes with a hard sigh. It was worthless to appeal to his moral side, but she attempted to anyhow. “Severus, this is serious. Chao died because of things you sold to someone. We need to know who. We need to stop the killing.”

Severus didn’t seem too bothered, leaning coolly against the countertop. “Have you ever thought of just... y’know, letting it play out and seeing what happens instead of getting involved?” It was a jab, of course, at the two hero chao’s inclination to go about imposing their justice everywhere. Severus had always profited off the actions of others, moral or immoral, legal or illegal. He stayed out of the way and made lots of money, and that was how he wanted to keep it. And for now, he really wanted to keep Kinto Q as a repeat customer. Or, in the case that he won, ensure he was on the do-wronger’s side.

The guard on the right glanced at the guard on the left. “Uh, the Great Master Kinto Q didn’t mention any clearance privileges for you today...” He scratched his temple. “Right?” He asked the other; the dark speed chao seemed a little forgetful. Candice kept her eyes from rolling at his idolistic verbiage for the other chao.

The dark power chao shook his head slowly side to side, his beefy goldenrod-striped arms folded. “Nope. No clearance privileges today.”

“Yeah. Yeah, that’s what I thought. Sorry, no clearance privileges today.”

Candice tried very hard not to be flustered, thinking on her feet. “Does it look like Kinto Q knew I’d need clearance privileges today?” She asked, bouncing Demogorgon on her hip a few more times. C’mon... she thought, bouncing a bit harder. The swaying motion caused the infant to burp, which, since he’d recently eaten, also caused him to spit-up on her shoulder. “See?” She said with as much exasperation as she could muster. “And I’m all out of diapers too!”

“Gross!!” The dark-run chao grimaced, stepping back. “Okay okay. You can go.”

“Thank you,” Candice said, moving forward, only to walk squarely into the thick meaty arm of the power chao.

“No, clearance privileges today,” he reiterated resolutely.

She needed to get going. She had to leave before those four other mercs did if there was any chance their attack could be sabotaged. Candice gave an indignant huff. “Fine. Bruno, isn’t it? And Blazz?”

The dark speed scratched his head again, “Yeah, those’re our names.”

“Alright. I’ll make sure the Master knows to come to ask the two of you why the baby here wasn’t cared for properly once he returns.” With that she turned on her heel as if to walk away.

“OHHH, hey hey hey, come back!” Blazz hurried after her. “Listen, Bruno here, he ain’t too smart, he’s just all brawn, he didn’t think about it, you know?” Bruno snorted, clearly in disagreement, but wasn’t the talkative type. “We know Kinto Q would’a told us if you needed clearance privileges today if he’d’a known, okay? So there’s no reason to go tellin’ on us.”

Candice stopped, turning around. “Oh, so I can go?”

Blazz gave an uncomfortable noise, scratching that same spot again; if he didn’t stop, it was probably going to bleed. “Well I mean, yeah. You’ll tell the Master you needed clearance privileges today and... and he trusts you so that’ll be fine.” Behind them Bruno grunted and rolled his eyes, but stepped out of the way. “Yeah, see? That’s good. It’s good.”

“Thank you, Blazz. The Master will be pleased,” the hero swim smiled. “C’mon, ‘Mogo. Let’s get you diapers and applesauce!” She chimed gayly. That last word the little chao seemed to recognize, as he grinned and began happily waving his arms. Candice hurried between the two chao guards and out the door, not even looking back as it shut behind her. She’d have only a couple hours at most before she’d be expected back or reported a deserter, so she had to make the most of them.
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by quartzlcc »

A wry chuckle actually escaped Adrian's lips, as he appreciated the irony of being called "puny." As long as they would never realize how remarkably un-puny he actually was, things would be alright.

Hearing another chao's query, he looked over to the source. It was the red chao–the one who ran in the mornings. It was surreal to see him here, up close. Adrian always admired his consistency, running each and every morning–but he had missed him today.

"Yeah, I struck out on my own a ways back." Adrian was stoic as he said it. "I don't have much use for civilization, personally."

Spike allowed his grip on Adrian to loosen, but didn't release him. He couldn't shake the feeling that the grey chao wasn't much of a threat. He caught eyes with Peaches, and she nodded gently, as if to say, "You're right." The two were close friends, but he was still surprised sometimes by how well she could understand him without words. It was nice having someone he rarely had to explain his actions to.


"Idiot!" Quartz yelled, feeling his temper rising quickly. "If we don't get involved, then who does?" He leaned in, getting practically within spitting distance of Severus. He didn't want to seem proud, but he knew it to be true–"Melody and I are some of the strongest chao in Shimmering Island and you know it."
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by Zphal »

The way Spike was still keeping the grey chao in a hold seemed unnecessary to Dash, but his recent blunders kept him from voicing his opinion that he should be let go. The run chao’s brow drew down in thought. “If you’ve been out here awhile, have you seen anything or anyone suspicious?” Being a hermit, the unassuming chao might not even know about the recent attacks; he and the others had done their best informing all the villages and gardens around the island, but now it was glaringly obvious to him how many innocent chao might still be caught out of the loop on current events. “We’re looking for some chao that were heading in this direction, away from the Neutral Garden. Their leader was a shiny blue color, a run chao like me.”

A carefully practiced poker face was the only thing that kept Severus from flinching when the angry hero chao drew up to him across the counter. His shout had, however, attracted the notice of his associates, who now began to draw up around the main checkout desk, encircling the group of three; as was part of their contractual agreement of working at the Cauldron of Dark Delights, they were to protect the proprietor of the store, and if need be, escort undesirable consumers from the premises. It wasn’t wholly uncommon for desperate or even boarderline violent chao to come in begging or demanding for a ‘fix’ or the item that would alleviate their suffering. As such, half the staff had spent time as bouncers in urban chao clubs.

Feeling a little more confident now, a toothy grin appeared on Severus’ maw. “Is that supposed to be a threat, pinkpuff? I don’t think you’re looking to start a scene here in town. There’ve been plenty enough property damages, don’t’cha think?”

In her heart, the last thing Melody wanted was violence. But placating the black market chao would not succeed. She replied seriously, her words a harsh whisper, “If it meant discovering the identity of the mass murder, we’d tear your shop down from the rafters to the basement, every board, every nail, every splinter.”

Now Severus did flinch. His goons were closing in closer, but he knew how ineffectual they truly would be to his safety in this particular circumstance. He stepped back from the counter. “Okay, you know what? You win. I don’t remember who bought those bombs, but I’ll let you have a look at the records.” He bent low to rustle around underneath the counter, drawing out a large tome. He placed it on the counter in front of them. “We detail every transaction in full. After all,” he winked sinisterly, “if a credit doesn’t process or we need to do a repo, we’ve got ‘em on file.”

Of course, those words were a lie. His most affluent and trusted customers were free to avoid the records as long as they paid the appropriate percentage of the transaction to cover ‘incidental expenses.’ And he knew for a fact that on the day in question, Kinto Q had paid handsomely for his products and his secrecy.
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by quartzlcc »

Adrian paused a moment, contemplating. Should he remain secretive, or play ball with these chao? They seemed somewhat aggressive, but the grey chao could tell it wasn't their nature; they were on edge about something, and he had the suspicion it might have had something to do with the same tumult he encountered last night.

At the mention of a shiny blue run chao, painful images shot into his mind. Adrian flinched visibly, and the lime green chao's grip momentarily tightened apparently on instinct before loosening again. It was an imperfect image, but last night was coming back to him. He had seen a demonic-looking blue chao using flames to torment chao, and what's worse, there was a corrupted swim chao that...

Adrian collapsed for a moment, and Spike didn't know whether he was being dramatic, or epileptic, or what was going on. Peaches rushed in closer now while the hero run decided to let him down to the ground easily, laying the grey chao on his back. By now, all four of them were looking down to the mysterious chao.

"So sorry... I've just remembered what happened last night." Adrian whispered, sitting up and rubbing the back of his head. "Surely you two remember me," he said, looking to Spike, then Dash. "I am... that creature, that abomination, at night." His heart was pounding in his chest, terrified of what their response might be.

Quartz hated to admit it to himself, but he couldn't help thinking how ridiculously attractive Melody was when her temper rose on occasions like this. A momentary wave of nostalgia washed over him, missing those days when the two had fought evil hand-in-hand, together.

But he couldn't allow himself to be distracted like this. They were living the danger now, for the first time in a long time. He brandished his fists together as the associates began to round on the two hero chao, but violence still wasn't a forgone conclusion.

Quartz didn't like the sound of looking through records. It would try his patience and besides, it's fairly easy to hide or destroy such evidence. "If I were you," he said, staring Severus straight in his asymmetrical eyes, "I would've destroyed such evidence after the massacre at the Normal Garden went down."

"I don't trust you."
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by Zphal »

“You’re what now?” Ammy couldn’t stifle her laughter; it came out with a snort and continued as she slapped her non-existent knee. This little guy had to be pulling their leg now. What, was he trying to scare them? As if!

Dash blinked rapidly, taking a step back as he processed the information. That... that had been him? This tiny, unassuming chao... transformed? to become... It was a wonder by now that he wasn’t stuttering aloud, such was the extent of his confusion. How was it even possible? Was it a willful transformation? Had the actions they’d seen been intentional? “You...” he got out, and then had to restart, “You helped us. We wouldn’t’ve been able to rescue the chao we did if you hadn’t been...” he chose a word quickly, “distracting that villain.”

Cue beltched loudly before slurping the final strip of bacon into his mouth. He swaggered out of the fortress, finding Dorian who was testing the tip of his rapier, Jack twiddling his various knives, and Kaylessa... oh, gorgeous, heart-pounding Kaylessa... leaned up against a tree. It was funny. He’d always been aware of her beauty, but after last night, it was like he could barely look away or think of much else. Ordinarily when he took a mate for an evening, once was enough and they were out of his head. With Kaylessa he wanted another round. And possibly another after that, and another. Which made little sense to him. Then he realized another thing. Though he’d needed the least time to prepare, he’d arrived last to the meeting spot, and Dorian looked none too happy with him.

“Where’ve you been?” The shiny orange chao asked, though he could hazard a guess from the grease still present on Cue’s chin.

“Sorry. I had... business...” Cue averted his eyes as he mumbled, scratching his arse in a way that suggested what particular ‘business’ he was referring to.
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by quartzlcc »

Peaches had no idea what any of this had to do with anything. She huffed impatiently, positive she'd be asking someone for a full explanation later. The orange chao's only consolation was that she wasn't as ignorant as Ammy, who was already assuming things despite her lack of involvement. Peaches only hoped Ammy's brashness wouldn't get them all killed.

Spike actually nodded following Adrian's explanation—it made sense. The terrifying beast had looked something like a chao and smelled something like a chao. If anything, he was surprised they bumped into this unassuming creature by pure chance. In fact, Spike wasn't convinced it was pure chance. What if the grey chao had meant to be caught, and this was his passive and clever way of meeting them? But why? No one's motivations made any sense to Spike in the past two days. Chao kidnappings were practically nonexistent, and outright violence and wanton destruction was even more rare.

The shiny pink chao's response came as no surprise to Adrian. Disbelief was fine by him—the only reaction he truly feared was the hatred and bigotry one would typically ascribe to an angry mob, forcibly driving that which they don't understand out of society.

He felt his heart lift a little upon hearing the furry red chao's acknowledgment. Adrian had a hunch this chao was of the good sort, and he was happy not to have been proven wrong. It was the first compliment the grey chao had ever received regarding his ... unusual trait ... ever.

"Glad to have been of help," was all Adrian said, with a weak smile.

Jack stabbed a tree in response to Cue's idiocy, venting some of his pent-up frustration. He was quite glad to be out of Kinto Q's abode, out in the world where he could resume his bounty-hunting practices. Pulling the small knife out from the tree, he looked to Dorian.

"Where to?"
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Re: <Chao RP - The Wrath of Kinto Q>

Post by Zphal »

“Wait, seriously?” Ammy shifted from one non-existent foot to the other and folding her arms. “You’re telling me this little guy turns into what... the ‘big bad wolf’?” Her tone was a joking one, not knowing just how ironically close to the truth she was.

“Could we impose upon you to help us again...?” Dash asked. The little guy seemed weary... understandable for such a sizeable transformation, but he didn’t want to over-burden him or make him feel obligated. “Some of the bad guys got away with our friends. We want to try to get them back safe.”

Ammy gave a light huff, irritated that she was being ignored. All this idle chatter. Wasn’t Spike supposed to be searching for tracks? That’d been the game plan.

Severus couldn’t help a snort. “Sounds like a personal problem, pal. Everyone else around here trusts me just fine to get ‘em what they need.” He folded his arms with a shrug. “What you’re looking for is in there,” he nodded his head toward the ledger on the counter, “Take it or leave it.”

Melody narrowed her eyes at him. Slowly she reached up and slid the book off the counter. “Every transaction?” She repeated, “In full?”

Severus’ eyes rolled in their sockets. “More or less.” She started to walk away from the counter with the book. “Hey... where are you going off to? What are...?” His eyes widened as she went over to the fireplace, holding the book out toward the flames. “Hey now!” Severus yelped, hurrying around the counter, “There are some important contacts in there!”

“Really?” Melody asked with faux-surprise. “Oh well.” She shrugged and made to toss it on the crackling logs.

“KINTO Q!” Severus yelped.

The hero chao froze, drawing the book away at the last moment— as it was, some of the edges were a little crispy and smoldering. “Kinto Q?” She asked.

The black chao nodded, vigorously, but already hating himself for blurting it. “Yeah. He’s a neutral swim chao who comes in here a lot. Wears a dark cloak. Acts like hot ****, so I play along and treat him like he is; it’s just good business, you know? Most of the time he just buys a bunch of stupid expensive **** like paintings and vases and tapestries, but recently he came in for weapons.” Severus wet his lips. “There always seemed to be something... weird and unhinged about the guy, but he’d pay exorbitant prices for hoidy-toidy junk no one else wanted.” He scratched his head beneath his shaggy hair, really hoping by now he’d said enough that Melody would hand back over the logbook.
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