Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast)

Here are all the obtainable Chao Faces that can be obtained through normal means on the Dreamcast version of Sonic Adventure.

There are 9 types of eyes (some have only slight eyelid variations!), and 5 types of mouths.


xNormal Eyes, as seen on generic Chao images everywhere
xNormal eyes but with slight inner eyelid
xNormal eyes but with slight outer eyelid
xNormal eyes but with slight upper eyelid
xNormal eyes but with eyelid
xHalf-closed eyelids
xSleepy eyes
xHappy eyes
xEvil eyes


xNo mouth, as seen commonly on generic Chao images everywhere
xHappy mouth (sometimes refererd to as ‘v’ mouth)
xSad mouth (sometimes refererd to as ‘upside-down v’ mouth)
xSquggly mouth
xGrinning mouth


There are 19 total combinations you can get without hacking. The [personality]() your Chao has determines its face.

xNormal eyes / No mouth
xNormal eyes / Happy mouth
xNormal eyes / Sad mouth
xNormal eyes / Grinning mouth

x | Normal eyes inner eyelid / No mouth x | Normal eyes inner eyelid / Squggly mouth

x | Normal eyes outer eyelid / No mouth x | Normal eyes outer eyelid / Grinning mouth

x | Normal eyes upper eyelid / No mouth x | Normal eyes upper eyelid / Happy mouth
x | Normal eyes upper eyelid / Sad mouth

x | Normal eyes extra-outer eyelid / No mouth x | Normal eyes extra-eyelid / Grinning mouth

x | Half-closed eyelids / No mouth

x | Sleepy eyes / No mouth

x | Happy eyes / No mouth x | Happy eyes / Happy mouth x | Happy eyes / Sad mouth

x | Evil eyes / Squggly mouth