Sonic Adventure 2 Chao Data
Here are Tyro’s personal notes on his findings for the Dreamcast Sonic Adventure 2 Chao system. This is being shared for the first time to the public on Chao Island and is Tyro’s request that this is not copied to any other websites. Tyro can be contacted via our [Forums]() or [Discord]().
Sonic Adventure 2 - Chao Data
Chao Adventure Header Info:
01E0 43-48-41-4F-32-41-43-43-45-50-54-00 FF FF FF FF CHAO2ACCEPT.....
01F0 00/0A 00/0E 00/12 00/14 00/EE FF FF FF 01 00 00 ................
Chao Chao Game Game Game | | |
Slot1 Slot2 Data? Code? Table? | | 'empty file' if not 00
| |
Chao Data Slot 1 from 0a00 - 0e00 | delete file after Chao has
Chao Data Slot 2 from 0e00 - 1200 | been released or when Chao
Game Data (Items etc.) from 1200 - 1400 | is uploaded if not 00
Offsets for Game Code and Game Table Language 00 = Japanese
are set to zero in Chao Download files. 01 = English
02 = French
Game Code seems to be $6000 byte long and 03 = Spanish
is probably written AFTER Game Table has been 04 = German
written. Doesn't seem to get written if end
exceeds actual file length (offset must also
be divisable by 512, otherwise address will
be rounded down to next fitting match).
Game Table seems to be 0x1200 byte long. A target address and enough
memory space MUST be made available to get a controlled write when
uploading a Chao, otherwise you get a 'failed to write file' error
(although a copy of the Chao Data has already been saved), and the
byte at offset 0x01f0 will be set to 'empty file' (offset must also
be divisable by 512, otherwise address will be rounded down to next
fitting match).
0a00 = Chao Type
00 = No Chao
01 = Chao Egg
02 = Baby Chao
03 = 'Good Chao'
04 = 'Bad Chao'
05 = Adult Chao (Normal)
06 = Adult Chao (Hero)
07 = Adult Chao (Dark)
08 = Swim Chao (Normal)
09 = Swim Chao (Hero)
0a = Swim Chao (Dark)
0b = Fly Chao (Normal)
0c = Fly Chao (Hero)
0d = Fly Chao (Dark)
0e = Run Chao (Normal)
0f = Run Chao (Hero)
10 = Run Chao (Dark)
11 = Power Chao (Normal)
12 = Power Chao (Hero)
13 = Power Chao (Dark)
14 = Light Chaos Chao
15 = Angel Chao
16 = Devil Chao
Note: a Chao Egg can only be in slot 2, otherwise the game will hang
if you try to take it out into the Chao Garden.
'Good Chao' and 'Bad Chao' look like baby Chao with tendency to Hero
or Dark side, but otherwise seem to react like adults (Age Count etc.)
They also never seem to re-incarnate and disappear if their Age Count
reaches zero.
0a01 = Chao Location
01 = Normal Garden
02 = Hero Garden
03 = Dark Garden
0a02 / 0a03 = Chao Happiness
Word register, little endian. Positive values 0 to 100 ($0000 - $0064)
mean Chao is happy, negative values -1 to -100 ($ffff - $ff9c) mean
Chao is unhappy (probably because it has been hit or something).
Note: if the Happiness Level is too low, the Chao will just disappear
when it dies instead of turning into an egg again (the Chao will shake
its head while forming the cocoon if the Happiness Level is too low
to re-incarnate).
0a08 - 0a0f = Chao Name
Max. 7 characters followed by at least one null-byte.
Font table is mapped differently than the standard PC font table.
Here are a few examples:
$01 = !
$07 = '
$0c = ,
$0e = .
$10 - $19 = 0 - 9
$1f = ?
$21 - $3a = A - Z (XOR with 01100000 to get lowercase)
$41 - $5a = a - z (XOR with 01100000 to get uppercase)
$5f = <space>
0a18 / 0a19 SWIM - 3 digits
0a1a / 0a1b FLY - 3 digits
0a1c / 0a1d RUN - 3 digits
0a1e / 0a1f POWER - 3 digits
0a20 / 0a21 LUCK - 3 digits
0a22 / 0a23 INTelligence - 3 digits
0a24 / 0a25 STAmina - 3 digits
All values stored 10 times the stat they hold.
0a26 / 0a27 = Chao Total Age Count
Seems to count the total age of a Chao (from birth to re-incarnation).
When the Chao turns back into an egg, the counter is set back to zero.
For every real-time hour in the Garden, approx. 45 ($2d) is added to
the counter (assuming that in 50 Hz PAL mode, an hour takes about
10 minutes longer than in 60 Hz NTSC mode).
Approx. 0 - 5 hours means that 'this Chao is growing'.
Approx. 6 - ? hours mean that 'this Chao has had a long life'.
0a28 / 0a29 = Chao Re-Incarnation Count
Counts the total numbers of re-incarnations of the Chao (how many times
the Chao has turned back into an egg). Starting value is zero.
0a54 / 0a55 age counter 1 for Adult Chao
0a56 / 0a57 age counter 2 for Adult Chao
Both counters seem to have the same effect on the Chao - when
one of them reaches zero, the Chao dies.
In the test with a newborn Chao, counters went from around
1000 / 1512 ($03e8 / $05e8) up to around 2000 / 2008 ($07d0 / $07d8).
When the Chao turns into an Adult, the counters start running
backward until zero.
0a58 - 0a5b = Body Mod POWER / RUN (little endian dword)
0x3d000000 to 0x3f800000 = Body Mod range POWER (low)
0xbd000000 to 0xbf800000 = Body Mod range RUN (high)
Note: those ranges were switched in Sonic Adventure 1.
0a5c - 0a5f = Body Mod FLY / SWIM (little endian dword)
0x3d000000 to 0x3f800000 = Body Mod range FLY (low)
0xbd000000 to 0xbf800000 = Body Mod range SWIM (high)
Note: to create a Baby Chao that evolves into a Light Chaos Chao, set
the Happiness level to 100 ($64), the Re-Incarnation Count to 2, the
Body Mod POWER / RUN to zero, the Body Mod FLY / SWIM to 0x3dcccccd,
and activate all Animal Abilities.
Mod example:
The values below show how a Body Mod changes if you give a Chao animals
from one particular group.
0x00000000 -> no animals given
0x3d4ccccd -> + 1 animal
0x3dcccccd -> + 2 animals
0x3e19999a -> + 3 animals
0x3e4ccccd -> + 4 animals
0x3e800000 -> + 5 animals
0x3e99999a -> + 6 animals
0x3eb33334 -> + 7 animals
0x3eccccce -> + 8 animals
0x3ee66668 -> + 9 animals
0x3f000001 -> +10 animals
0x3f0cccce -> +11 animals
0x3f19999b -> +12 animals
0x3f266668 -> +13 animals
0x3f333335 -> +14 animals
0x3f400002 -> +15 animals
0x3f4ccccf -> +16 animals
0x3f59999c -> +17 animals
0x3f666669 -> +18 animals
0x3f733336 -> +19 animals
0x3f800000 -> +20 animals (maximum)
0a60 - 0a63 = Hero / Dark Mod
Used values seem to be equal to Body Mod values.
up to
0x3f800000 = Hero Chao (positive dword value)
0xbf800000 = Dark Chao (negative dword value)
0a70 - 0a73 = Change Ratio
0x3c000000 to 0x3f800000 = Change Ratio range
Note: the Change Ratio is also used as age count for Baby Chao.
0a9d = Chao Eyes
Range seems to go from $00 - $0d, after that eye types seem to
repeat themselves randomly. See printout for types.
0a9e = Chao Mouth
Range seems to go from $00 - $0f. Values above $12 might hang
the game. See printout for shapes.
0a9f = Chao Headball
00 = ball based on current Chao-Type at offset 0a00
01 = burning ball
02 = invisible ball
Values higher than 2 also seem to result in an invisible ball.
0aa4 = Chao Head Masks
00 = normal
01 = Pumpkin Head
02 = Skull Head
03 = Egg-shell Head
0aa5 = 'Ghost' Chao
00 = Chao with feet
01 = Chao without feet
Values higher than 1 also seem to result in a Chao without feet.
0aa6 = Chao Race Badges
00 = no badge
01 = Aquamarine
02 = Topaz
03 = Peridot
04 = Garnet
05 = Onyx
06 = Diamond
07 = Beginner Race Badge
08 = Challenge Race Badge
09 = Hero Race Badge
0a = Dark Race Badge
0b = Pearl
0c = Amethyst
0d = Emerald
0e = Ruby
0f = Sapphire
Badges $0b - $0f seem to be badges from Sonic Adventure 1. No races
exist for them in Sonic Adventure 2.
0aa7 = Chao Color (normal)
Changes the Chao's color. See printout for color palette.
0aa8 = Chao Color (jewel)
Turns the Chao into a 'Jewel' Chao. Jewel colors override the ones
set in the 'normal' Chao Color register. Also, values higher than
$1f seem to hang the game. See printout for color palette. Also,
color $10 seems to be a 'random' jewel color, meaning that the Chao
will adopt different colors as time passes (or when you leave and
re-enter Chao World).
Note: the "Kid's troops Chao ranger" are just normal Chao with
different jewel colors. The used values are
Yellow: 07
Green: 04
Red: 03
Blue: 05
Pink: 06
0aa9 = unknown
Do not use - seems to hang the game!
0aaa = Chao Specials
00 = normal Chao
01 = full egg
02 = OmoChao
03 = changes Chao into Game Animal (see next register for type setting)
04 = normal Chao (seems to have same effect as 00)
05 = invisible Chao
Values higher than 5 also seem to result in an invisible Chao.
0aab = Animal definition (see previous register, option $03)
If the Chao is set to appear as one of the animals from the game,
this register defines which animal will be shown. Allowed values
are equal to those used for Chao Animal Mods (0ab4 - 0abb).
0ab0 - 0ab2 = Chao Animal Abilities
If you give a Chao one of the following animals, it will also inherit
the listed ability.
0ab0 / 0ab1 / 0ab2 11111111 11111111 00011111
³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³
Tiger 07 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³³³³³³³ ³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³ sharpen nails
Bear 06 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³³³³³³ ³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³ roaring
Boar 05 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³³³³³ ³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³ dashing
Leopard 04 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³³³³ ³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³ face washing
Rabbit 03 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³³³ ³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³ hop around
Beaver 02 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³³ ³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³ backstroke
Seal 01 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³ ³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³ roll over
Penguin 00 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³ slide on belly
³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³
Fish Alien 0f ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³³³³³³³ ³³³³³ Chao ball into flame
Raccoon 0e ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³³³³³³ ³³³³³ * unknown *
Ram 0d ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³³³³³ ³³³³³ somersault
Skunk 0c ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³³³³ ³³³³³ farting
Cockatoo 0b ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³³³ ³³³³³ sit-ups
Parrot 0a ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³³ ³³³³³ singing
Peacock 09 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³ ³³³³³ strutting
Gorilla 08 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³³³³³ beats chest
0ab4 - 0abb = Animal Mods
0ab4 Arms
0ab5 Ears
0ab6 Head Front
0ab7 Horns
0ab8 Feet
0ab9 Tail
0aba Wings
0abb Fangs
The following animals are available in the game:
Yellow / SWIM Green / RUN Red / POWER Purple / FLY
00 = Penguin 03 = Rabbit 06 = Bear 09 = Peacock
01 = Seal 04 = Leopard 07 = Tiger 0a = Parrot
02 = Beaver 05 = Boar 08 = Gorilla 0b = Cockatoo
Blue / INTelligence Black / STAmina Gold / LUCK
0c = Skunk 0f = Green Fish Alien 12 = Dragon
0d = Ram 10 = Skeleton Dog 13 = Unicorn
0e = Raccoon 11 = Purple Bat 14 = Phoenix
Available Chaos Drives: Yellow / Green / Red / Purple
Blue, black and gold animals affect the stats at random (just as
if you had chosen a random animal from the first four groups).
Note: the 'Roach Chao' are just black / dark grey colored Chao with
the antennas of a Dragon (0ab5 = 12).
0ac5 - 0ac9 = Chao Pain / Hurt Level
There seem to be 5 different counters, each representing a different
aspect of the Chao's pain expression:
0ac5 = * unknown *
0ac6 = Chao Crying Level (Chao weeps)
0ac7 = Chao Fear Level (Chao shakes and whimpers, -~-~- mouth)
0ac8 = * unknown *
0ac9 = Chao Pain Level (swirly eyes, holds head)
Range seems to go from 0 to 200 ($00 - $c8). When setting a 'Pain' level,
the most realistic effect is achieved when 'crying', 'fear' and 'pain'
are set together.
Note: when you hit a Chao, the game sets all 5 counters together.
0acc / 0acd = Chao Sleepiness Level
Range from 0 - 10000 ($0000 - $2710 little endian)
The higher the value, the stronger is the Chao's sleepiness.
A high value will make the Chao start yawning and eventually
fall asleep.
0ace / 0acf = Chao Dizziness Level
Range from 0 - 10000 ($0000 - $2710 little endian)
The higher the value, the stronger is the Chao's dizziness
(usually the result of waking up a Chao while sleeping).
0ad0 / 0ad1 = Chao Hunger Level
Range from 0 - 10000 ($0000 - $2710 little endian)
The higher the value, the stronger is the Chao's hunger.
Also, if the Chao is hungry, it will struggle when being held by
a character.
0ad2 / 0ad3 = Chao Mating Level
Range from 0 - 10000 ($0000 - $2710 little endian)
The higher the value, the stronger is the Chao's desire to mate.
0ad4 / 0ad5 = Chao Boredom Level
Range from 0 - 10000 ($0000 - $2710 little endian)
The higher the value, the stronger is the Chao's boredom.
0ad6 / 0ad7 = Chao Annoyance Level
Range from 0 - 10000 ($0000 - $2710 little endian)
If the value is high, the Chao will do the 'Blaa'-thing on the player
(equivalent to blowing a raspberry, I guess). During the tests in
the Normal Garden, the value went up from 0 to 10000 ($0000 - $2710)
and then stayed at this level.
0ad8 / 0ad9 = Chao Tiredness Level
Range from 0 - 10000 ($0000 - $2710 little endian)
The higher the value, the stronger is the Chao's tiredness.
0af8 - 0afb = Chao Learned Abilities
Learning an ability in class takes approx. 35 min (probably 30 in
NTSC version). A new lesson starts approx. every 70 min (probably
60 in NTSC version). Kindergarten time also flows during normal
gameplay, while it's frozen while the player is in the Chao Gardens.
Order of lessons is
Song -> Shake Dance -> Drawing -> Bell -> Drum -> Song ->
Spin Dance -> Tambourine -> Drawing -> Go go dance -> Trumpet ->
Song -> Maracas -> Step dance -> Drawing -> Castanets -> Flute ->
Song -> Exercise -> Cymbals -> Drawing -> [back to start]
Note: The current lesson is stored in the Main Save File, *NOT* in
the Chao Garden File. So if you want to quit the game, make sure
that this file is saved too (for example by going to 'Options' and
changing the language settings two times.
Ability registers are bit-mapped. 'Level' bits for an ability are
always set additionally to previous bits (01, 03, 07, 0f etc.)
0af8: Bit 0 Drawing level 1 (flowers etc.)
Bit 1 Drawing level 2 (blue car, tulips etc.)
Bit 2 Drawing level 3 (pic of Amy Rose)
Bit 3 Drawing level 4 (pic of Big the Cat)
Bit 4 Drawing level 5 (pic of Tikal)
Bit 5 <unused>
Bit 6 <unused>
Bit 7 <unused>
0af9: Bit 0 Shake dance
Bit 1 Spin dance
Bit 2 Step dance
Bit 3 Go go dance
Bit 4 Exercise
Bit 5 <unused>
Bit 6 <unused>
Bit 7 <unused>
0afa: Bit 0 Song level 1
Bit 1 Song level 2
Bit 2 Song level 3
Bit 3 Song level 4
Bit 4 Song level 5
Bit 5 <unused>
Bit 6 <unused>
Bit 7 <unused>
0afb: Bit 0 Bell
Bit 1 Castanets
Bit 2 Cymbals
Bit 3 Drum
Bit 4 Flute
Bit 5 Maracas
Bit 6 Trumpet
Bit 7 Tambourine
0afc / 0afd = Chao Toys (won in Chao races)
0afc / 0afd 10110111 00001111
³ ³³ ³³³ ³³³³
Pogo Stick ÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³³ ³³³ ³³³³
³³ ³³³ ³³³³
Broomstick ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³ ³³³ ³³³³
Sonic Plush ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³³³ ³³³³
³³³ ³³³³
Drawing Book ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³³ ³³³³
Note: bit 6 at offset 0afc (between Pogo Stick and Broomstick) seems
to match a toy too, but I can't tell what it is supposed to be. A
small pen or stick appears in the Chao's right hand, which it holds
above ground for a while, without moving (as if something were missing).
The other bits that are set to zero are unused.
Love / Hate Levels:
Store order is
Sonic - Shadow - Tails - Robotnik - Knuckles - Rogue
Range goes from
0 to 100 (00 - 64) = love level
-1 to -100 (ff - 9c) = hate level
When a Chao loves a character a lot, it will react to the character's
whistling and run over to him. When being picked up by said character,
the Chao will laugh and enjoy it. When a Chao hates a character, it
will struggle when being held by said character.
0b04 = Love / Hate Level SONIC
0b06 / 0b07 = probably affection for SONIC (further checks required)
0b08 / 0b09 = unknown word register
Increases at the same rate as the Love / Hate Level for SONIC, but
doesn't stop at 100. Range unknown.
0b0a = Love / Hate Level SHADOW
0b0c / 0b0d = probably affection for SHADOW (further checks required)
0b0e / 0b0f = unknown word register
Increases at the same rate as the Love / Hate Level for SHADOW, but
doesn't stop at 100. Range unknown.
0b10 = Love / Hate Level TAILS
0b12 / 0b13 = probably affection for TAILS (further checks required)
0b14 / 0b15 = unknown word register
Increases at the same rate as the Love / Hate Level for TAILS, but
doesn't stop at 100. Range unknown.
0b16 = Love / Hate Level EGGMAN
0b18 / 0b19 = probably affection for EGGMAN (further checks required)
0b1a / 0b1b = unknown word register
Increases at the same rate as the Love / Hate Level for EGGMAN, but
doesn't stop at 100. Range unknown.
0b1c = Love / Hate Level KNUCKLES
0b1e / 0b1f = probably affection for KNUCKLES (further checks required)
0b20 / 0b21 = unknown word register
Increases at the same rate as the Love / Hate Level for KNUCKLES, but
doesn't stop at 100. Range unknown.
0b22 = Love / Hate Level ROGUE
0b24 / 0b25 = probably affection for ROGUE (further checks required)
0b26 / 0b27 = unknown word register
Increases at the same rate as the Love / Hate Level for ROGUE, but
doesn't stop at 100. Range unknown.
1202 - 120b = Chao Items (seeds & fruits)
First byte contains number of items in inventory, the following
bytes represent the actual items. Maximum item count is 8.
0a = HERO FRUIT Chao -> Hero
0b = DARK FRUIT Chao -> Dark
0c = HEART FRUIT Chao lays egg
0e = SMART FRUIT Chao gets smarter
0f = PEACE FRUIT Chao gets calm
Note: to plant a seed, it must be given to a Chao who at least won
a shovel in the Chao Races (better is shovel and watering can).
1217 - 121b = Chao Snack
First byte contains number of snacks in inventory, the following
bytes represent the actual snacks. Maximum item count is 4.
00 = APPLE
02 = CAKE
Additional info about the Chao Races:
Race order:
Beginner Race - Crab Pool Prize: shovel
Stump Valley Prize: watering can
Mushroom Forest Prize: rattle
Block Canyon Prize: car
After finishing Beginner Race, the Chao gets a 'Beginner Badge' ($07)
When all levels of the Beginner Race are won, you can access:
- Beginner Race (as above)
- Jewel Race (each jewel type has 5 levels)
Aquamarine - Prize: Sonic plush
Topaz - Prize: broomstick
Peridot - Prize: Chao drawing book
Garnet - Prize: pogo stick
The following two are unlocked after you won at least three of the
above races.
Onyx - Prize: crayons
Diamond - Prize: bubble maker
- Challenge Race - 12 diff. opponents - Prize 4th opponent: ball
(for Chao Garden)
- Prize 8th opponent: Jack-In-The-Box
(for Chao Garden)
- Prize 12th opponent: television
(for Chao Garden)
- Hero Race - 4 diff. opponents - Prize 2nd opponent: ball
(for Hero Garden)
- Prize 4th opponent: wooden horse
(for Hero Garden)
- Dark Race - 4 diff. opponents - Prize 2nd opponent: ball
(for Dark Garden)
- Prize 4th opponent: stereo radio
(for Dark Garden)
- Party Race - race against your friend's Chao (as above)