Stat Level Up

This page lists an extract of code from SADX, which has been annotated with descriptions. This particular piece of code is executed when a chao’s stat levels up.

00731C50 - mov cl,[ebx+esi]           - #1: Load bar value.
  00731C53 - cmp cl,63                - Compare bar to 99.
  00731C56 - jna 00731c80             - Jump to #4 if not above 99.
    00731C58 - mov al,[esi+ebp+30]    - #2: Load the level value.
    00731C5C - cmp al,63              - Compare level to 99.
    00731C5E - jae 00731c7c           - Jump to #3 if above or equal to 99.
      00731C60 - sub cl,64            - Subtract 100 from bar.
      00731C63 - inc al               - Increment level.
      00731C65 - push esi
      00731C66 - push ebp
      00731C67 - mov [ebx+esi],cl     - Save new bar value.
      00731C6A - mov [esi+ebp+30],al  - Save new level value.
      00731C6E - call 00730780        - Call code to check grade and write new points value.
      00731C73 - add esp,08
      00731C76 - mov [esp+esi*4+10],edi
      00731C7A - jmp 00731c80             - Jump to #4.
    00731C7C - mov byte ptr [ebx+esi],63  - #3: Reset level to 99.
00731C80 - inc esi                        - #4: Move on to the next stat.
00731C81 - cmp esi,08                     - Compare the current stat to 8.
00731C84 - jnge 00731c50                  - Jump to #1 if not greater than or equal to 8.

PC Chao Hacking Guide

Coco the Mascot Chao