There are a total of three Chao Gardens for your Chao to live in. At first, there is only one garden available: literally named the “Chao Garden”. You can access the other two by raising Chao. Once you create your first Hero Chao, the Hero Garden will become available. Similarly, once you create your first Dark Chao, the Dark Garden will become available.
For more images of the Gardens, be sure to visit the Chao Wiki!
The Chao Garden
Sometimes refered to as the “Neutral Garden” or “Normal Garden”. This is the first garden that you will have access to. When you first enter it, you will find that it contains two Chao eggs to help you begin your journey with Chao.
This beautiful garden is complete with grass, trees, cliffs, a waterfall, and a pond. It also contains the entrance to the Chao Stadium hidden under the waterfall; this garden is the only way to access the Chao Stadium.
If you dig around the garden with Knuckles or Rouge, you may be lucky enough to find a Pumpkin Hat for your Chao to wear.
The Hero Garden
You will unlock the Hero Garden when you first create a Hero Chao. When you first enter it, you will find that it contains a single Chao egg to reward you for your efforts.
This garden centres on pink clouds and has a fountain at its centre. The water in the Dreamcast version runs across the garden, with a small bridge connecting each side. The water was so deep in this version that Tails (the smallest character) could actually drown! Just like the Chao Garden, you can find a Pumpkin Hat by digging with Knuckles or Rouge.
The Dark Garden
You will unlock the Dark Garden when you first create a Dark Chao. When you first enter it, you will find that it contains a single Chao egg to reward you for your efforts.
This haunted garden is quite unique. It is filled with tombs and graves, and contains what can only be described as a blood-filled pool. The Dreamcast version of this garden is a bit larger, and also has a path running up the side creating a cliff-face, as well as a spooky cave underneath with a big boiling pot!
If you dig around the garden with Knuckles or Rouge, you may be lucky enough to find a Skull Hat for your Chao to wear.