You can raise a Child Chao into three different alignments: Hero Chao, Dark Chao, or Neutral Chao. These three alignments have different looks and personalities. The first time you evolve a Chao into a Hero or Dark Chao, you will unlock the Hero Garden or the Dark Garden respectively; music will play and the entrance will simply appear back in the Chao Lobby ready for you to enter.
If you raise Chao with Hero characters (Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles), they will slowly shift towards the Hero alignment. If you raise Chao with Dark characters (Shadow, Rouge, or Dr Eggman), they will slowly shift towards the Dark alignment. If you raise Chao with both Hero and Dark characters equally, they will keep the Neutral alignment.
As you can see from the below diagram, Dark and Hero are at opposite ends of the alignment spectrum, with Neutral in the middle.
You can see the effect on the Chao’s appearance as it shifts towards Hero or Dark alignment using the below tool. If you like it, you should try the full Chao Island 3D Chao Viewer with more Chao features and customisation options!
Hero Chao
The easiest way to get a Hero Chao is to simply take a child Chao and treat it nicely with a Hero character. Spend time with it, feed it, and pet it with any of those characters, and it will gradually change into a Hero Chao.
A more unusual method is to do the opposite: treat the Chao very badly with a Dark character. If you abuse the Chao by throwing and hitting it, it will gradually change into the opposite (Hero) alignment. This method will greatly upset and traumatise the Chao, and is not recommended.
The final and slowest method is to feed the Chao several lots of Hero Fruit. The Chao will shift slightly towards the Hero alignment with each Hero Fruit that it consumes.
A Hero Child Chao is white with two angled buds sticking out from the top of its head. It has sky blue markings on its head buds, hands, and feet, and yellow markings on its body. Finally, it has a deep blue ball floating above its head. Your Chao may look different depending on its age, but if your Chao is at least similar to this description, then it should evolve into a Hero Chao.
Dark Chao
The easiest way to get a Dark Chao is to simply take a child Chao and treat it nicely with a Dark character. Spend time with it, feed it, and pet it with any of those characters, and it will gradually change into a Dark Chao.
A more unusual method is to do the opposite: treat the Chao very badly with a Hero character. If you abuse the Chao by throwing and hitting it, it will gradually change into the opposite (Dark) alignment. This method will greatly upset and traumatise the Chao, and is not recommended.
The final and slowest method is to feed the Chao several lots of Dark Fruit. The Chao will shift slightly towards the Dark alignment with each Dark Fruit that it consumes.
A Dark Child Chao is dark red with a jagged tip at the back of its head. It has light red markings on its head tip, chest, hands, and feet. Finally, it has a pink ball floating above its head. Your Chao may look different depending on its age, but if your Chao is at least similar to this description, then it should evolve into a Dark Chao.
Neutral Chao
To get a Neutral Chao, you must keep your Chao balanced by influencing it towards both the Hero and Dark alignments equally. You can do this by taking good care of it, or abusing it, equally with both the Hero characters and the Dark characters.
A Neutral Child Chao is light blue with a pointy tip at the top of its head. It has yellow markings on its head, hands, and feet, which turn green as it grows close to evolution. Finally, it has a yellow ball floating above its head. Your Chao may look different depending on its age, but if your Chao is at least similar to this description, then it should evolve into a Neutral Chao.