Dark Garden

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Dark Garden
Example alt text
Gamecube Dark Garden
Related Website Pages
SA2 Gardens
Related Wiki Pages
Chao Garden [SA2]
Hero Garden
Chao World
Relevant Chao Systems
Dreamcast Engine
GameCube Engine

The Dark garden is a garden located on the lower level of the Chao Lobby, down a set of stairs to the left of the Chao Kindergarten entrance; however, this can only be accessed once the player has obtained a Dark chao through the evolution of one of their own child chao; transferring a Dark chao to their save file will not work. The garden consists of several tombstones with a red pool in the centre, with the default 3 garden trees appearing dead but still bearing fruit.

In the Dark Garden, second evolution strength does not increase over time; it is only increased via feeding. Alignment also decreases over time for the Chao in the garden, meaning Chao become more Dark-aligned, discussed in further detail on the Alignment page of this wiki.


This garden has lots of dark elements, such as tombstones and red water. All the trees do not have leaves, and the grass is a dull grey colour. When you first enter it, you will find that it contains a single regular Chao egg to reward you for your efforts.

Digging in this garden using Knuckles or Rouge, one can find many skulls which a chao can use as a hat.

The Dark Races provide two prize toys for all of the Chao in the Dark Garden to play with, regardless of the Chao which won the races:

  • Ball - By winning the 2nd Dark race, a ball will be added to the Dark garden. Chao can chase and push around the ball, often tripping up. The player can also kick the ball around with the chao.
  • Boombox - By winning the 4th Dark race, a boombox will be added to the garden. When interacted with, chao will sit and listen to a music track on the boombox. This can be done by multiple Chao if they are nearby.

Version Differences

The Dark garden underwent a redesign in the Battle versions of SA2. A cave section with a river was removed.

More pictures to be added here showcasing the differences between gardens


The music from the Dark Garden is a stereo-typically creepy version of the Chao Garden's music track, using many effects and some heavy bass hits.

One thing of note is that the background sounds in the game - sounding something similar to bats flapping and a witch laughing - are not part of the background track.